Bluetooth vs Wired Headphones Radiation, The issues of wireless headphones EMFs

Bluetooth headphones are handy and smart. You can connect a Bluetooth headphone to any device as long as it accepts wireless connections. But there's a problem with wireless technologies like Bluetooth; there are potential risks as these devices emit EMFs or electromagnetic fields. So Bluetooth vs wired headphones radiation-wise: which one is safer and better for an average user?


What are Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) Radiation?

All wireless devices emit EMF radiation as well as RF radiation. And because of these, wireless devices are hazardous than their wired counterparts. However, this is when you use your pair of wireless headphones for a long time. Using these only for short periods won’t pose any risks.

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences defines electromagnetic radiation as an invisible field of energy. This is emitted by synthetic and natural items. Any object that gives out electromagnetic radiation, the waves of energy are emitted at a variety of frequencies. The higher the energy frequency, the higher is the energy levels.

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Does Bluetooth or wireless headphones emit EMF radiation?

Bluetooth or wireless devices emit non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. These are very low-frequency radiation and thus, won't cause severe effects to users. Aside from Bluetooth devices, cell phones, Wi-Fi networks, microwaves, and computers all emit electromagnetic radiation.

Power lines also produce electromagnetic radiation same goes with MRI machines and energy smart meters. 

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Bluetooth vs wired headphones radiation

Bluetooth headphones emit low-frequency electromagnetic radiation. Because these are produced in low frequencies, these won't pose any risks as long as you use the device less frequently. Bluetooth headphones produce non-ionizing radiation and this type of radiation is lethal only when the amount of radiation is intense. Direct exposure to intense non-ionizing radiation is only possible with people who work with devices and instruments that emit large amounts of non-ionizing radiation.

Meanwhile, wired headphones don’t emit any electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, if you need to use headphones for a longer period, you must settle with wired models. 

How to make a wired headset safer with ferrite beads

Many wired device users agree that despite negative exposure to radiation, there is still a risk of using a wired headset. The risk of suffering from the effects of high-frequency energy is reduced when you use ferrite beads.

Ferrite beads are attached or clipped on a wired headset to prevent turning the wire into a high-frequency antenna. This small and simple device can stop the transfer of radiation to the headset wire to your ear and won't affect sound quality.

By using ferrite beads on wired headphone headsets, you can reduce the transfer of cellphone radiation to your body. Ferrite is used in different electronics to avoid interference coming from hazardous electromagnetic radiation produced by wireless headphones and other devices.

Ferrite beads may allow low-frequency energies to move through the wire but use a frequency band to block them. The performance of ferrite beads depends on their core makeup. Its use is greatly reduced when it's used in higher frequencies than what it's designed for.

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How to install ferrite beads on your wired headset

  • Place the headset wire above the ferrite plug. It should be on either of the channels.
  • Close the bead and check that the wire is through the slots on the two sides of the beads. You’re set to use your headset with your mobile device.
  • You can remove the ferrite bead from one wired headphone to another by opening the bead and detaching it from the wire.

Radiation-free headphones 

One way to protect yourself from harmful EMF radiation is to use radiation-free headphones and earphones. Here are the most popular ones:

DefenderShield EMF-Free Adult Headphones

This headphone offers EMF and 5G wireless protection but will never affect sound quality. This headphone comes with a braided-nylon cord with a copper layer for enhanced protection from ELF electrical energy.

DefenderShield EMF-Free Earbud Headphones

These headphone wire earbuds offer easy mic and volume control and are compatible with all smartphone models and audio devices. Just like the DefenderShield EMF-Free headphones, these are developed with air tube technology for clear and crisp sounds through hollow tubes than wires. This headphone will effectively protect from ELF signals.

Kinden Air Tube Earbuds

These air tubes are radiation-free binaural earphones with shielded wire to reduce conduction and induction of faradic currents and radiofrequency radiation. This is compatible with all smartphones, music players, tablets, laptops, and other audio devices.

Atmore Anti-Radiation Air Tube Headphones

The Atmosure Anti-Radiation headphones guarantee the reduction of all harmful radiation of up to 99%. It has an air tube construction so there's a safe distance from your head to your phone. There are no magnets inside the earbuds to prevent EMF radiation. The wire is metal-shielded wires and the headphone spears are covered to change electrical signals to EMF-free signals.


Here are the most commonly asked questions and their respective answers about Bluetooth vs wired headphones

  • Do wired headphones cause cancer?
    Wireless headphones are riskier while wired headphones are safe. Using wired headphones and headsets will not cause cancer.

  • Are wired headphones safer than wireless?
    Yes, wired headphones are generally safer than wireless models because these don’t emit even very small amounts of radiation. You can use your headphone all day if you want without worrying about radiation exposure.

  • Do headphones give off radiation?
    Wireless headphones give off very small levels of radiation but are not enough to pose health risks.

  • Are wireless earbuds safe?
    Wireless earbuds are safe to use as these emit only small levels of radiation.

  • What are the safest Bluetooth headphones?
    All Bluetooth devices pose very little health risk and can be used with confidence. The safest Bluetooth headphones are those that don't emit even the smallest amounts of EMF.

Wrap Up

When it comes to Bluetooth vs wired headphones radiation amounts, wireless headphones emit EMF radiation in very small amounts while wired headphones don't give off EMF. The risks of suffering from any health problems or illness are low as long as you closely monitor your use.

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