What to do with feedback from headphones? (Important Facts & Tips)

Do you ever face that static or echo coming from your headphones? That can mostly happen due to headset mic feedback. Don't know anything about this?

Well, no need to worry at all. Here, I will go through everything you need to know about headphone feedback and what you can do about it. So, if you are facing similar issues, this is a great place to be at.

Let's not just waste any time and get started with the whole thing right away.

What is feedback in headphones?

Feedback in headphones refers to that constant static noise or echo that you get from your headphones sometimes. It's not a permanent issue, but it can be a bit bothersome to deal with. Many reasons can cause this to happen in your headphone.

Now, there are three typical scenarios you may need to deal with. These are based on the kind of noise you are hearing. Figuring out the kind of noise you hear tells you about the issue that is going on with your headphone.

If you hear muffled sounds and some background noises while using the microphone, this can indicate an issue with the mic. This is the actual headset feedback issue.

Another scenario is the static sound that you can't hear, but everyone else can. It keeps going on continuously. And the last issue you face is the echo issue which is simply hearing anything you say twice.

I won't be going in-depth with the other issues and will strictly stick with the feedback issue. So, let's see what thing can cause this issue to occur.


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How to Fix Echo in Headphones

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Causes for feedback in headphones 

Well, there are several reasons for this issue to occur in your headphone. They can be software issues or hardware issues. To find out what is causing the issue, you have to test out your headphone first.

1. Software issues 

Figuring out any software issue is pretty easy. All you will need is some assistance from another person to understand how your headphone is sounding.

First, you will need to plug in your headphones on a different device other than the regular one you use. If it's having the same feedback issue, then there is nothing wrong with the software. However, if it works on the other device but not on your original device, there is a problem with the software.

Another cause of feedback can be something as simple as not connecting the headphones properly. You can quickly check if the headphone is connected to your device correctly or not. If it isn't, then you have to connect the headphone properly. This can fix any feedback issue caused by your headphone.

2. Hardware issues

Apart from software issues, several hardware issues can cause feedback problems on your headphone. A particular instance is a microphone. When there is interference between the microphone and your headphone speakers, it will cause feedback issues.

This usually doesn't happen in quality headphones. You will face the problem with lower-quality headphones because they don't have that good noise cancellation. As a result, the microphone can catch all the sounds coming from the headphone speakers.

For example, when you are playing games, you will notice that your friends can hear the noises from the game through your mic. This is the feedback sound they get from your headphone mic.

Yes, you can lower the volume if you want, but with low-quality headphones, there is nothing much you can do anyways.

Fixing the feedback issue on a headphone 

When I tell you to fix the issue, it only decreases the effect or controls it a bit more. It doesn't completely fix the feedback problem on your headphone. Still, following some instructions can surely help you get the most out of your headphone with the least possible feedback. Let's see what you can do.

  • 1. Use noise suppression feature.

Many applications these days provide you with the option of suppressing noise. Since noise is the main source of causing headphone feedback, you can get rid of the problem with noise suppression. Doing this keeps the speaker and microphone interference under control.

To do this, you can simply check out the application you are using, such as Zoom, Discord, or Steam. There you should find an option under the audio settings called noise suppression.

  • 2. Use lower volume levels.

Another fix you can try is simply to lower the volume levels from your devices. You can lower the volume of your headphone speakers and microphone. Lower volume means less noise. As a result, you don't get that much feedback either.

You can find these in the sound settings on Windows or macOS. You can use different kinds of apps for this same purpose for other devices.

  • 3. Stop the microphone boost.

As the microphone's sensitivity causes the feedback issue, you can control it to get rid of the issue.

All you have to do is, go into the sound settings. Then, there you will see a recording tab. From there, you can select your microphone device and manage the levels of the microphone. Don't lower it completely otherwise;, there will be no audio coming through your microphone.

  • 4. Use push to talk rather than always on.

Most of the applications these days have a feature called push to talk. This means your microphone only receives audio when you push a certain key. You can do this to keep the feedback in control. Because the less time your microphone is active, the lesser feedback your headphone will get.

Now, these are some things that you can try out with low-quality headphones. This doesn't solve the problem but gets the whole thing under a bit of control.

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Wrap up 

In short, the issue of headset mic feedback can be pretty annoying to deal with. The best thing you can do is get some quality headphones with proper noise cancellation. With such headphones, you won't even have to worry about feedback. As for lower-quality headphones, you can get the feedback under a bit of control but can't get rid of it completely.

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